

2.3 Git 基礎

在產生數筆提交(commit)或者克隆(clone)一個已有歷史記錄的版本庫之後,你或許會想要檢視之前發生過什麼事; 最基本也最具威力的工具就是 git log 命令。

Git - git

--full-history. Same as the default mode, but does not prune some history. --dense. Only the selected commits are shown, plus some to have a meaningful history.

Viewing the Commit History

By default, with no arguments, git log lists the commits made in that repository in reverse chronological order; that is, the most recent commits show up first.

Git's database internals III

2022年8月31日 — git log as file history. The primary way to discover which commits recently changed a file is to use git log -- <path> . This shows commits ...

了解Git 歷程記錄簡化

2024年4月4日 — 若要關閉歷程記錄簡化,您必須使用命令列參數 --full-history 。 記錄簡化的範例. 為了進一步瞭解簡化的運作方式,我們會建立自己的歷程記錄簡化範例。

How to always show full

2014年1月30日 — To show full history with git log invoke it with the --sparse and --full-history switches. --sparse All commits that are walked are included ...

git log does not return the history of a file correctly

2021年5月19日 — You then asked: full history returns introduction commit. Whats the reason? The answer lies in what the documentation calls Default mode :.

Advanced Git Log

Branches, tags, HEAD , and the commit history are almost all of the information contained in your Git repository, so this gives you a more complete view of the ...

View Commit History

Viewing a git branch's entire history ... Each branch has a commit history. To list commits as a view of a branch's history, you can use the git log command with ...